Santiago de compostela – Negreira

Tuesday 14th May 2024

21.7 km  32.395

It was so hard trying to decide what to do with the extra days spare that I’ve got.  A part of me wanted to walk on, and a part of me just wanted to stay in SdC and rest.  I decided late yesterday that I’d walk on. 

When I woke up this morning, I discovered I’d become the part of me that just wanted to stay and rest, but that was just too bad.  It was organised so off I went with my rain gear very handy as it showered on and off lightly most of the day.

I was really enjoying the walk.  I bumped into my young German friends at the start, and only Leon was going to walk.  Victoria will meet him in Finisterre,  her blisters have won which is a shame as she was really looking forward to this section.

The two Brazilian men (father in law and son in law duo)  I’ve been seeing since way back are on the way to Finisterre/ Muxia as well.  They stayed at the same place as me last night and we had breakfast together.   One speaks no English the other a little, but we communicate just fine, and they are lovely gentle and kind souls, and it’s always so lovely being around them.

The walk was lovely once I stopped feeling tired.   There was more of the same green woodland scenery that I’ve been seeing for days, even a Roman bridge and birds chirping away merrily.  The way was just nicely undulating along and then…. the bloody lung buster of a climb that just went on and on.  I saw a sign that said 10% for 2km.  I thought .. surely not.   Well, it surely was, and if that was two km then, dip me in chocolate and roll me in 100’s and 1000s!  It felt like much more than that.

Just towards the end of the climb, I met Leon, my young German friend, again, and we had a lovely time wandering along, chatting.  I love that age doesn’t matter on the Camino.  I’ve witnessed this often, and I like that.  He’s such a smart, switched on, young man and thoughtful and kind as well. 

So… I’ve had another day where my heart was full of joy and thankfulness.

Looking back to the Cathedral.
More green along the way.
Roman bridge.
On someone’s grass at the top of the bloody long climb.
Another lovely bridge and river.
Kay and Leon.


Hostal La Mezquita  €42.00.  I found them on the Wise Pilgrim app and phoned to book.

It’s very nice and has been upgraded since Fuzz and I stayed here in 2015.

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