A Pana And Paxie – Olveiroa

Thursday 16th May 2024

25km  35.231 steps

It was raining as a forecast this morning, so there was no surprise there, and I was ready to go with rain gear on by 8 am.  I love my new red poncho.  It’s perfect and has already proved ( proven?) to be worth every penny.

I’m out of the forest now and into open country.  Farms and cows, lots of cows … geez, they stink!

The way undulated along, the rain came and went and came again and in-between showers it was very windy.  Sometimes, a strong headwind that made a downhill feel like an uphill.  I enjoyed today regardless.  

There was a lot of bitumen to walk on, which always makes me happy…  no mud, and it doesn’t require a lot of concentration.   It was also another solo day, and that was perfectly fine with me.

I arrived at my albergue and thought I’d try my luck and see if they had a private room spare.  No, they didn’t.   Not to worry.  I’m in a dorm or 6 and they gave me a towel. 

A very nice young lady from the UK is also in my room.  While we were talking, two Italians arrived.  I was impressed they wanted to leave their smelly boots outside of the room.. they get bonus points from me for that.   I had a very brief conversation in Italian with one of them, and I was actually quite proud of myself.  I really need a couple of months immersion in Italy… I really think I’m on the cusp of picking it up… but I’ve been thinking that for years.


Albergue Manola.  Booking.c  €15

They gave me a towel to use.  I’m in a room of 6.  The showers are the best I’ve had in an albergue yet.  If you’re doing albergues, I recommend this one.  Just don’t arrive at Spanish lunchtime because they have a very popular restaurant attached.

10 thoughts on “A Pana And Paxie – Olveiroa

    1. kayfuzz Post author

      Not Altus. I di have an Altus at home that is navty blue. This one is red and it has pockets. I bought it in Pirtomarin in a sports shop.
      Joluvi is the brand. I’ve never seen it before.

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    1. kayfuzz Post author

      Cost €43.00 Similar weight, I’d guess. Not as light as my Packa poncho was, but it stopped being waterproof, so I’ve decided the extra weight is worth it. I’ll definitely bring this one again.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Life...One Big Adventure

        Thanks. I think I will try to get one that has a zip/opening all the way down the front to make it easier to get on and off. I am sick of doing the impossible shimmy in pouring rain (accompanied by bad language) trying to get my poncho on!! 🙂

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